Okay, we'll let you in on a little secret—this strain was originally named "Oreo Runtz," but there are some obvious concerns with using those two words together. Cookie Runtz still gets the point across though—it was created by combining Oreoz and Runtz—and it's the most delicious preroll you'll ever hit.
Remember, the problem with putting Runts on your Oreos is that Runts are hard candies, they clash with the softness of the frosting and crumble the chocolate cookie. With Cookie Runtz, you get all of those delightful cookie, berry, and sugary flavors without any of the discordant mastication sensations. It's the best of both worlds, and we haven't even gotten to the best part.
It's certainly nice when weed tastes good or has a pleasant afterodor, but let's be real—that's not the main reason we smoke it. Cookie Runtz has a high that can best be described as "inspired," and you're going to love it for late-night bursts of creative activity, especially if your craft is something you can do with or alongside some friends. Share the love, and pretty soon you'll be free-floating through the flow instead of merely just going with it.